Student Solution


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Applied Discussion 2 Applying Deontology Ethics Online

Applied Discussion 2 Applying Deontology Ethics Online

Q 1. Clearly explain the author’s position on your topic (animal rights, euthanasia, or global poverty). This should be formatted like a thesis statement (e.g. Regan believes that it is wrong to....). 2. Clearly explain the author's reasons in support of this position. Make sure to do so well enough that your classmates who are working on another topic understand the author’s argument as well as how it counts as a deontological argument. 3. Then, state whether you agree with the author’s conclusion and explain why or why not

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J. David Velleman is of the belief that euthanasia is not something that should be allowed because the life of a person does not only matter to himself, but also for those who are related to him. In this light, he is against euthanasia, as he finds that "dying with dignity" is an ideology that should be only regarded when there is no longer an option. He argues that "a person's death is acceptable if he can no longer live with dignity" but not morally acceptable if he has the ability to "carry it off with dignity."